Monday, 3 December 2007

""" Markup Example 12

Adding a user-agent string to emulate a Nokia 6230

author: Julian Harty
edited: 03 December 2007
import urllib
import re
import amara

def getHrefFromXML(doc, search_regex):
"""Returns the href link if the in search_regex is
found in any

Assumes the links are in the html body's div tags.

doc: an amara xml object
search_regex: the regular expression to match in
the href text

the href as a string if the pattern is found, else None.
ru1 = re.compile(search_regex)
for item in doc.html.body.div:
# print str(item.a.xml_children[0])
# print type(item.a.xml_children[0])
p =[0])
if p:
return item.a.href

return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
  request = urllib.FancyURLopener()
  response ="")
  content =

  # Use the live content
  doc = amara.parse(content)
  print "should return: '/gmm?source=m&dc=mobile-promotion'"
  print getHrefFromXML(doc, "Maps")

Markup exercise 12 using cached file

""" Markup Example 12 local

Adding a user-agent string to emulate a Nokia 6230
Reads the content from a cached file

author: Julian Harty
edited: 03 December 2007
import re
import amara

def getHrefFromXML(doc, search_regex):
  """Returns the href link if the in search_regex is
  found in any div tags.

  Assumes the links are in the html body's div tags.

    doc: an amara xml object
    search_regex: the regular expression to match in
      the href text

    the href as a string if the pattern is found, else None.
  ru1 = re.compile(search_regex)
  for item in doc.html.body.div:
      # print str(item.a.xml_children[0])
      # print type(item.a.xml_children[0])
      p =[0])
      if p:
        return item.a.href

  return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # use a local copy of the content
  doc = amara.parse(open("mobile-homepage.xhtml"))

  print "should return: '/gmm?source=m&dc=mobile-promotion'"
  print getHrefFromXML(doc, "Maps")

Markup exercise 11b prettified

""" Markup Example 11

Defines the method getlLinkFromXhtml() which is later used to return the href
for a given regular expression, if it exists.

(Includes the code form markup example 07)

author: Julian Harty
edited: 03 December 2007
import re
import sys
import urllib
import BeautifulSoup

from xml.dom import minidom

def getLinkFromXhtml(content, text_regex):
  """getLink returns the href link for a given text_label.

    content: the source content e.g. an xHTML response.
    text_regex: the text to match as a regluar experession.
    The href if the test is found, else None.

  doc = minidom.parseString(content)
  links = doc.getElementsByTagName('a')

  rx = re.compile(text_regex)

  for i in links:
    if i.hasAttribute('href'):
      t = i.firstChild
      text = ""
      while t:
        if t.nodeType == t.TEXT_NODE:
          text +=
        t = t.nextSibling
      match =
      if match:
        return str(i.toxml())

  return None

request = urllib.FancyURLopener()
request.addheader('Accept', 'application/xhtml+xml')
response ="")
content =

print getLinkFromXhtml(content, 'Maps with My Location')

soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(content)
#print soup.prettify()

# write the content to a file so it can be displayed in a browser
f = open("markup_ex11b_prettified.xml", "wb")

Sample python code Exercise 04 prettified

""" Markup Example 04

Adding the accept header for xHTML

author: Julian Harty
edited: 03 December 2007
import urllib
import BeautifulSoup

request = urllib.FancyURLopener()
request.addheader('Accept', 'application/xhtml+xml')
response ="")
content =

# Display the formatted contents
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(content)
print soup.prettify()

# write the content to a file so it can be displayed in a browser
f = open("markup_ex04_prettified.xml", "wb")

Mobile Wireless Test Automation at EuroSTAR2007

I will be presenting on this topic at the EuroSTAR 2007 conference as a 1/2 day tutorial on Tuesday 4th December 2007. I expect to learn as much as I present from the 70+ participants who have booked to join me. Thank you all :)